After what seems to be a long time I finally finished my internship. For 15 weeks I worked full –time as a teacher on a school in Vlissingen. Coming to the end of this period it kind of took me how glad I was. I just couldn’t wait to stop! I mean, isn’t this what I want to do for a living? Shouldn’t I be sadder that it comes to an end I wont teach like this again for at least half a year? So I started to examine this feeling and found out that it wasn’t because of the long days, all the energy it took, the school or the class. So what was it?
I think to be the best teacher you must be able to stay a student. Now for me that was a easy thing, because I am both. And looking back at the four years of being a student and a teacher one word just really catches the feeling: Frustration. Frustration within the children I taught and frustration within myself as a student and teacher. I think every generation grows up in a certain frustration that is cost by the stagnation of the former one. This is true for church just as it is for education and other sectors. When a generation grows up in created man made systems and routines that block the flow of “A new sound” that generation will experience the frustration of it. The problem really comes when the former generation tries to uphold the system and routines. Not only do they keep the younger in it, they will also be frustrated themselves because they have to do all kinds of unnatural things to keep the younger busy, interested and concerned. And this is exactly the frustration I felt as a student, but also in the children of my class.
Now all of this came to me as Anne send me a video with the new Apple creation cold iBook’s Author. Watching it the images connected to me as if I was watching a revival video of a church. As a new sound within the educational system was revealed the frustration was lifted. And immediately my thoughts went crazy with ideas and possibilities and love for teaching.
So apple made it very clear for what the power is of a new sound. And I just know that my generation is called to stop the stagnation of the old, and release a new sound. And the new sounds will open up the ways for ideas, possibilities and love to those who grab hold of it, and that will lead to the flow of people to their true desire, Jesus Christ.
Luke 5.37 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins;
or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled,
and the wineskins will be ruined.
38 But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.
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